Links to other enchanting sites
Lady Patricia's Fairy Tea Room
You will find my site along with many other wonderful sites under the Everything Faerie Category in the Faerie Family Directory. Just use the BACK button on your internet explorer to get back here when you are done looking.
Thank you for visiting my site. There are more pages in the works, but there is plenty for you to enjoy right here. Feel free to e-mail me with any questions or comments. Feel free to send any stories, poetry or art you'd like to see on this site.
Faeries are slowly disappearing from our world. Please help save the Faeries by seeking out Faerie Godmother Fiona. She will help you help the Faerie cause. Please don't let the Faeries dwindle into nothing. We need to see that use of imagination and ability to believe is mushrooming throughout the land. Faeries are our hearts, our laughter and our life source.
Click above Image to reach Faerie Godmother Fiona
and the original Save the Faeries Campaign
"Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
with a faerie,
hand in hand
for the world's more full of weeping
than you can understand"
- Yeats
Any little effort on your part will help the Magic grow...
and will give the wee ones back the strength to survive!
Click above image to join the International Faerie Believers Association.
Click above to visit Blue Mountain Arts
All the images and text are copyright to their original owners